
10 2021

Ben Gurion Society

What does Jewish law tell us about getting the COVID vaccination? Ben Gurion Society members are invited to join us virtually for a special conversation with Rabbi Mark Glass of Congregation BIAV.

A Virtual Conversation with Rabbi Mark Glass
Monday, May 10
8:00 - 9:00 PM

BGS members will get the chance to come together and have some social time at the beginning of the event with breakout groups for smaller group discussion. Then we will all come together for group learning and discussion with Rabbi Glass.

In celebration of the upcoming Jewish holiday of Shavuot, we will also be delivering mini cheesecakes to attendees before the event. Please register by Wednesday, May 5 so we can get an accurate count. The cheesecakes will be delivered between 3-5 pm the day of the event; if you wish to have them delivered at another time, please contact Annie Glickman at to make arrangements.