The local allocations process is an intensive, deep dive into our local programs that are requesting financial support from the Federation. The financial contributions made to the annual campaign support this venture. We contemplate local allocations once a year to support all the impactful programs going on in our community. The due diligence involved in this process is thorough and complete. Grant applications, which include a description of the program, budget, goals and impact, are reviewed. These funds are available to any area 501(c)(3) serving the greater Kansas City area Jewish community.
This year, $2.1 million was allocated to 50 programs sponsored by 18 organizations. We at Federation are so proud we are able to support the community in this way.
This past month, the Federation Board of Directors passed the recommendations presented by the local Allocations Committee. This committee, led by Barb Bloch and made up of 25 individuals, is divided into 5 sub-committee groups Safety Net, Seniors, Youth & Families, Jewish Identity and Jewish Education.
Each group, headed by Larry Silver, Lynn Intrater, Sondra Friedman, Zach Sight, Mollie Berenbom, and Erin Berger, rigorously read the proposals in their area and met with the program staff from each organization to learn more about what they do and what their needs are. Then, each group reviewed and analyzed the information collectively and came up with a suggested amount of funding for each program for the 2022 fiscal year. The full Allocations Committee convened to review and approve a final slate of recommendations before it was brought to the Board for their review and approval.
This year, the Board and the Allocations Committee prioritized food insecurity, mental health, and older adult services. This was reflected in full funding of requests from: JFS for Kesher KC (food pantry, emergency food and shelter program); counseling subsidies and older adult services at JFS; KU Hillel and KU Chabad for mental health and wellness programs for KU students; and Village Shalom for financial assistance. Torah Learning Center’s Kosher Meals on Wheels, The J’s Heritage Center and Kollel’s Senior Scholars Program received increases over the previous year’s funding.
Other funded programs include: Director of Jewish Student Life at the University of Missouri Hillel, Career Skills & Connections at JVS, the Chesed Fund (held by Federation and administered by JFS), BBYO, Moishe House, Vaad Supervision and Certification, Financial Assistance at HBHA, the Rabbinical Association’s Day of Discovery, Early Childhood Education at several institutions, Ahoovim (a Kollel program for young adults with disabilities) and MeltonKC.
None of these programs could happen without your annual support. Your donations allow us to focus on the most vulnerable among us as well as on building a strong Jewish identity and education from the very young to seniors. Leadership is also a strong area of focus for our teens, young adults, teachers, young families, and college students.
Thank you for all you do to make this happen. Through this process, we are fulfilling our mission of enhancing and sustaining our Jewish community in KC and abroad (later in the year we also do our overseas allocations). This process is how we live out our Jewish values of tikkun olam, tzedakah, and welcoming the stranger every day and everywhere! Together, we make a difference!