In 1985, Ronald Reagan was president, a stamp cost $0.20 and the Kansas City Royals celebrated their first World Series win. 1985 was also the last time a comprehensive study of our Jewish community was conducted (its findings were published in the summer of 1986), and a lot has changed in the 36 years since then.
One statistic that surely seems dated is that in 1985 only 50% of women ages 35 to 44 reported being employed full time. And although the study correctly predicted that the Jewish population would continue migrating into Johnson County, at the time the epicenter of the community was at 79th Street and Roe Avenue in Prairie Village.
To better understand our current community and its needs, Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City is sponsoring a new study; it is expected to launch in April.
“We’ve needed a study for a very long time,” said Andi Milens, Federation’s senior director of community building. “Anecdotally we know that our community has changed, and now we’re looking to get an accurate picture of Jewish life in Kansas City in 2021.”
“We’re very excited about the study and to have this data,” added Helene Lotman, Federation’s president and CEO. “It will help Federation and our community institutions plan for the future, both independently and collaboratively.”
The study will look at demographics, including: age; household makeup; affiliations and involvement with community institutions; engagement with Jewish education (formal and informal); and connections to Israel. The study will also look at issues surrounding older adults and poverty.
Click here to read the full article on the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle website.