Do you want to make an impact on our Jewish community?
Whether you choose to give once a year or a small amount each month, your gift matters and directly helps our community's Jewish agencies and organizations. Your gift will go to Jewish Federation's Annual Campaign, supporting our mission of sustaining and enhancing Jewish life in Kansas City, Israel and around the world.
If you give $5/month, it looks like:
- 4 rides to medical appointments for older adults
- A year of pet food for a housebound food pantry client
- 6 months of baby wipes for a household with small children
If you give $10/month, it looks like:
- 8 rides to medical appointments for older adults
- 5 kosher grocery boxes, each containing enough kosher food to feed a family of 4 for a week
- A counseling session for an adult or child who has experienced trauma
- A gift card for back to school clothes and supplies for a family
If you give $18/month, it looks like:
- 2 personal care and household kits containing shampoo, soap, personal care items, and household cleaning products
- A car repair grant to help a client maintain transportation to work
- Graduation fees for a high school senior through JFS’s Family Empowerment Program
To learn more about the Ben Gurion Society, our giving society within YAD, click here.