YAD is the Young Adults Division of the Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City. The Young Adults Division aims to connect young adults 21-40 years old with each other and provide meaningful ways to connect, engage, and give back to the Kansas City Jewish community.


YAD Community Building Events:

  • Purim/Passover Impact Event (Spring)
  • Good Shabbos (Summer)
  • Bagel Bash (Hanukkah)


Our community building events are our major community-building events, held throughout the year. These are our biggest events designed to bring our entire YAD community together! The signature events not only highlight the impact YAD has on our Kansas City Jewish community, they also provide fun ways for YAD members to connect with each other.


Community Connector events

Our YAD Community Connectors provide networking and community-building opportunities for Jews who are new or new-ish to KC and/or YAD. These smaller outings and one-on-one meetups are meant to create meaningful connections.


Find your community today - get in touch with our Young Adults Division Community Connectors Chair Julia Osburn!


Young Adults Division IMPACT series

IMPACT is designed to help you get to know our Jewish community and give you a little Federation education. Throughout the year, YAD hosts events with one of our partner organizations to learn how Federation dollars support these organizations and our community and participate in an activity or service project. 


Have an idea of an agency you think we should highlight? Interested in attending these experiences? Email Kaitlin Birnbaum, kaitlinb@jewishkc.org.

  • Signature Events

  • Pass(over) the Wine 2024

  • Pass(over) the Wine 2024

  • Bagel Bash 2023

  • Good Shabbos 2023

  • Good Shabbos 2023

  • IMPACT Events

  • IMPACT with Jewish Chronicle

  • IMPACT with JDC

  • IMPACT at Mitzvah Garden

  • IMPACT with JVS

  • Connector Events

  • Golf lessons at HOA

  • Double Chai Sukkot dinner

  • Riverwalk cleanup

  • Pickleball at Chicken 'n Pickle